Walking through the Mount of Olives and the Garden of Gethsemene, my wife and I marvel at olive trees hundreds of years old.  Probably none from Jesus’ day, but this is how His garden looked.  A stone’s throw from the Kidron Valley.  Close to the holy city of Jerusalem.  Not far from the Temple mount.

Old, bent and twisted olive trees, with new shoots appearing from the side of their wizened stumps, unveil new life.  These stubby trunks look dead but are not so.  Life becomes visible in surprising ways and places.  What’s gone belly up hasn’t.  Far from its last curtain call.

I look in the mirror these days and wonder who’s giving me the once-over.  Can’t be me.  No.  It’s some moth-eaten old goat who’s invaded my body.  I feel like I’m in my 40’s.  So who is this over-the-hill, rusty, creaky old fuddy-duddy?  Me?  Tis true.  Like an old as the hills olive tree.

Enough of my moaning and groaning.  Let’s hear from God’s Word.  Psalm 52: 8-9–‘But I am like an olive tree flourishing in the house of God; I trust in God’s unfailing love for ever and ever.  I will praise you forever for what you have done; in your name I will hope, for your name is good.  I will praise you in the presence of your saints.’

I may be a bit long in the tooth, but I can still praise Jesus!  Flourish in closer relationship with Him as I read, meditate upon and dig deeper into the Bible.  I have hope because God is forever good and trustworthy.  I’m not…but He is.

So, let’s share with others how much He can mean to them as well.  Not selfish, keeping all the goodies to ourselves.  No.  Better to share than to hoard.  More blessed to give than to grasp.  Someone said that a long time ago.  Who?!

No matter what your age, flourish…grow…trust Jesus…bask in His love which never ends or fails…hope in His goodness…remember all He’s done for you…share His Word with others…enjoy your family of faith.

And don’t stop there.  Keep on keeping on… Like an old olive tree.



Thank you, Jesus, for new life forever.  Amen.

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