Two years into a pastorate I find myself in hot water. All you-know-what breaks loose. Opposition huddles behind closed doors for months. I’ve no idea that denominational leaders are drawn alongside those wanting good old me out the door, and the most remote exit at that. Rumors fill the air like blood-sucking mosquitos on a hot, humid summer evening. The handwriting is on the wall.

I’ll be the first to admit that not only the disgruntled few were to blame, but that I’ve put myself in the wrong denomination, one that’s meandered far from the Bible. Thought I could have an impact there for the Lord. Wrong. Instead, I allow myself to drift, while developing no relationships with higher-ups, who make those final church decisions. Thought I was saving time by not attending boring meetings. Talk…talk…talk. Wrong…wrong…wrong.

So when the fur hits the fan, my hide is bare. Nowhere and no one to turn to. I was done, done in, and done for. So, I decide to quit and do something different. Figuring that God is furious with me, I somehow garner the guts to ask for His help– ‘How about some undeserved miracle, God? Please. I’m begging’. And you know what? He hears me only because of His kindness and mercy.

In God’s time, doors and windows gradually open up. In addition to growing a financial planning career, God positions me to serve Him. Sure it felt like He’d given me a swift kick you-know-where; which, I’ll be the first to admit, would have been a much-deserved boot. Sadly, it takes that kind of exertion to move the likes of me. Out one door, now in another. Finally, gradually, like a snail running a race, I’m where I should have been all along. U-turns righted. Dead-end streets open up into highways and byways for Jesus.

In what ways? Let me explain. I’m welcomed into a weekly pastor’s Bible study where fellow clergy comfort, accept, and encourage me. A salve of friendship I needed more than they realized. Then the call is issued to be a pastor’s assistant in a neighboring Bible-believing church. I also enjoyed a 5-year run on a local television station, hosting a weekly 30-minute evangelism/testimony program called ‘Person-to-Person’. I sang lead in the Gospel quartet ‘Livin’ Harmony’, aptly named by our tenor/baritone Dave Seymour.

Then I pastor another church for 14 years, the longest tenure of any minister in their 125-year history. And it’s just around the corner from the one that gave me the old heave-ho. Do you think God doesn’t have a sense of humor? And offer second chances? Or third and fourth? Think again. All this while working full-time as a financial advisor for a large investment firm.

There’s more. Can you believe that I was chosen as the ‘Best Clergy on Twin Harbors’ by our county’s newspaper as voted by the readers and subscribers? Me? Little old me? No, I was not the only pastor in the county that year, but thanks for asking wiseguy! Also, for over a decade, I’ve been writing these weekly devotionals for readers checking in from over 60 countries on every continent, having published two daily devotional books for good measure. Upside down? Yes. Then, thank the Lord, right-side up!

It’s still true. What is? Nehemiah 13: 2–‘…but hired Balaam against them (Israel) to curse them–yet our God turned the curse into a blessing.’ And from Genesis 50: 20–“But Joseph said to them, ‘Do not fear…As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive…'”

In my case, those few dissidents were wrong. But so was I. Even so, the Lord can turn the most difficult and disruptive situations into something closer to what He’s always wanted for me and you.

Today, if you are in a rough go or an uphill battle, turn to Jesus and pray. Wait on Him. Try to be patient, as best you can. And pray. Draw close to a few trusted Christian friends. And pray together. Hang in there with Jesus. When you think all the doors have been locked and shut, watch and see what God can and will do. If for me, then for anyone.

Get it? I’m still working on it. Still attending the school of Hard Knocks. Almost graduated. But not quite. By the way, I’m taking an advanced placement class entitled ‘Never Stop Praying. Never.’ Want to join me?

Thank you, Jesus, for being my best friend. Amen.


  1. John, Thanks for sharing this testimony. We just got home from watching our 7 year old granddaughter play softball. She got 3 hits in 3 at bats! OK, two of the hits dribbled off her bat and stopped two feet in front of home plate but she got to first because the catcher wasn’t strong enough to throw the ball all the way to first but it still counts. Claire’s headaches are mostly manageable now. Occasionally, one is accompanied by dizziness that immobilizes her but for the most part she is coping and hoping to get back to attending full days next year! Our son Jonathan is job shopping. They seem to love him at Anderson University where he is teaching computer science, but like many small Christian colleges Anderson is really struggling to survive so Jon feels it may be time to move on. He has several options, but no clear guidance so far. How are you feeling? After years battling with digestive problems the Dr has told me I am not able to digest lactose or fructose sugars. After some changes in my diet, I am feeling much better…at least for now. Bob

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