In 1970, so many years ago now, I graduated from the Moody Bible Institute in Chicago. Our yearbook was called the Arch, because the main entrance to the inner-city campus was through a brick archway. A tradition had been established years before that each graduating senior would choose a favorite Bible verse as a life goal, and that passage would be printed near their names in the yearbook. I chose 2 Timothy 3:16 for my life verse–‘all Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness…’ That’s a wonderful verse, wouldn’t you agree? Elevates the Bible to its proper place as the inspired Word of God. But I have a question– why this for my life verse? I wonder now why I chose that verse hoping that it wasn’t just to put something down on paper to get my graduation work over with, and move on to something more pleasant. Another thing off my to-do list. Knowing me.. I more than wonder. Now, don’t get me wrong. 2 Timothy 3:16 is the foundation of my life and ministry…from the time of my conversion to this day, I know that the Bible is where truth with a capital ‘T’ can be found. The ultimate Truth… reliable, available, universal, for all time and times for any who seek Him and His way. I believe that more-and-more–and I’ve been exposed to so many arguments and people who disagree and feel the Bible is just myth or fable or unscientific, outdated, bigoted antiquity. Those in churches who have just cast the Bible aside when it is no longer convenient for them. I know because I was educated at a seminary that decades before had marginalized the Bible, I was ordained in a denomination that to this day keeps inching and inching away from the clear teachings of the Bible, I’ve been to Bible studies with local pastors who would stomp out in anger if any of us just dared, and I dared, to challenge their disbelief in the Bible as the inspired and inerrant Word of God. I’ve been there. I’ve heard it. I can sniff it out from miles away. I’m glad I chose 2 Timothy 3:16 as my life verse. It’s been the anchor in my boat of life that Jesus pilots. The constant in an evermore slippery world. I’ve heard it calling me back when I had drifted far away myself. My only regret is not adding verse 17 to my life verse. Other classmates had chosen more than one verse. Don’t think we had to choose just one. I should have added the next verse. The one about being a man of God, a man thoroughly equipped, a man serving God in His good ways. As I look back on my life I sense a disconnect between knowing and living. Between my head and my heart. And now as a bit more mature believer, it’s very hard to break old habits, to connect those dots,to connect those 2 verses, praying that the Holy Spirit would give me a faith that works…for Him and for others. I can’t change what’s in that 1970 yearbook. You can’t find a time-machine to go back and redo your life and choices. But you can live for Him today. You and I can stand on the Word of God… AND live His way ‘equipped for every good work.’ I’m learning, little by little, to let Him connect the dots. How about you?

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